TSZ Treuhandgesellschaft Sauter + Co. Zürich AG
Südstrasse 11
CH-8034 Zürich
Phone: 0041 (0)44 383 90 20
Fax: 0041 (0)44 383 91 74
City map Search and find us with  map24.ch
+ www.map24.ch / An interactive route calculator
Transportation Swiss Federal Railways - SBB Online
+ www.sbb.ch / Timetables for rail sevices
Zücher Verkehrsverbund (Public transport in Canton Zurich)
+ www.zvv.ch / Timetables for trams and buses
Züritaxi / 0041 (0)44 222 22 22 (Taxi services)
+ www.zueritaxi.ch / s'Taxi vo Züri
Zurich Airport Online
+ www.unique.ch / Arrivals and departures, airport information
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